Beginners Guide to International Travel

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Beginner's Guide to International Travel: Alishan Mountains - Everlastying views and travel tips

Welcome to your beginner's guide to international travel!

Going on your first international adventure is an exhilarating yet somewhat nerve-wracking experience. Trust me, even as a frequent traveler, I still get those butterflies each time I step into an international airport. The anticipation of TSA lines and airport queues can be daunting, but once you board that plane and arrive at your destination, it's like a new chapter unfolding before your eyes!

In this beginner's guide to international travel, I'm here to share some simple tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. My goal is to help make your first or first few international journeys a BREEZE.

Let’s get started!

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plan your trip!

One of the best and daunting things to do, but I’ll make it simple for you!

Melinda's Beginner's International Travel Guide: Sun Moon Lake vista - everlastying wanderlust

choose your dream destination

First things first, pick your dream destination!

Follow your heart and explore a place that truly speaks to your interests and preferences.

Here’s some of my favorite resources to help you choose your destination:

  • Pinterest: Pinterest is my go-to platform for building travel boards and my trip planning. There’s tons of unique and beautiful photos that’ll inspire you to go on your next adventure!

  • Instagram: Instagram is an amazing tool for discovering destinations through short, inspiring snippets. With countless globetrotters sharing their journeys, you can save posts to a dedicated folder and curate a list of destinations.

  • Must-Visit Global Destinations: Here are some of my top favorite places I’ve traveled to that might spark your desire for your next destination!

check for travel advisories

Checking travel advisories is a must-do before you start booking your flight and packing your bags. Confirm if your dream destination has any travel warnings or alerts by visiting your government's website.

  • Travel Advisories: For United States travelers, check the Travel Advisories website — it can keep you informed and your plans on track.

Taiwan and US Passport - Get Ready for International Travel - everlastying wanderlust

get your passport ready

Make sure your passport has 6 months validity left and sufficient empty pages for those beautiful stamps.

If it's time for a new passport, getting the process started early is key. The duration and cost for acquiring a new passport vary so make sure to do it EARLY!

  • Travel.State.Gov: You can renew, apply for a new passport, or report a lost or stolen passport!

visa & documentation — don't miss this step!

Now that you've picked your dream destination, it's crucial to dive into the world of visa requirements and documentation.

  • Why It Matters: Understanding visa requirements is super important because it ensures you won't face any unexpected hurdles when entering your chosen country. The last thing you want is to arrive at your destination and discover that you lack the necessary visas.

  • Where to Get the Details: To get the most up-to-date and accurate information, make sure to conduct thorough research on the visa requirements for your destination.

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research + prepare

When it comes to international travel, knowledge is your best ally, and the internet is your greatest tool.

Before you go on your adventure, do a little research journey of your own. Here's what you should focus on:

Weather: Find out what the weather will be like during your visit. This will help you pack appropriately and be prepared for any climate surprises!

Accommodation & Transportation: Research where you'll be staying and how you'll be getting around. Knowing your options in advance can save you time and stress.

Cuisine: Explore the local food scenes and make a list of dishes you can't wait to try. Food is an important part of travel, so don't miss out on the local flavors!

Local Customs and Culture: It's essential to understand the culture of your destination. Research the customs and traditions of your destination to ensure you respect local norms.

For instance, when I traveled to Dubai, I made sure to research their dress code and cultural etiquette. This not only avoids any unintentional disrespect but also allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture fully.

Create Your Travel Bucket List: To stay organized, create a list of places you want to explore, dine, and stay. Include names, addresses, opening hours, and estimated prices. This handy list will make planning your itinerary a breeze.

Food safety is an often overlooked, but also an important aspect when you’re traveling internationally. offers essential guidance to help you make the best choices when trying out unfamiliar food options.
Read more on their Food Safety for Travelers Guide: here

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budget + finance

Now that you've gathered information from your research, it's time to turn your dream into a financial plan.

Budgeting for your international trip is not just important; it's crucial for a stress-free adventure.

why budgeting matters

Budgeting ensures you have a clear understanding of your expenses and financial goals. It helps answer essential questions:

  • How much do you currently have saved?

  • How much do you need for your trip?

  • How long will it take to reach your savings goal?

plan for the unexpected

In addition to meeting your budgeting goal, consider setting aside some extra funds. This cushion gives you a peace of mind for unexpected expenses or emergencies that may happen during your trip.

With a well-planned budget in place, you'll have the financial confidence to fully enjoy your international adventure.

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book everything!

Congratulations! You just finished your homework (research hehe), and now it's time to make your international travel plans come true! Here's how to book like a pro:

Eva Airlines Premium Economy - Book Your First International Flight - everlastying wanderlust

book your flight

Seal the deal by reserving your plane ticket to your dream destination.

When it comes to finding the best plane ticket prices, my experience is the earlier the better. Especially when it comes to high tourism seasons — winter and summer break.

Don’t wait to book your ticket. When you go back and check, the ticket prices will always go up!

When it comes to flight booking, here are my two of my favorite booking sites:

  • Google Flights: Google Flights platform is excellent for comparing flight options and finding the best deals yourself.

  • WayAway: WayAway scours the internet the BEST plane ticket options FOR YOU!

Book Your Accommodations - Chiayi Holiday Inn - Everlastying Beginner's Guide to International Travel

book your accommodations

When you land at your destination, the first day is crucial.

Securing your accommodation before you fly allows you to enjoy a hassle-free start to your journey. There's no better feeling than going from the airport straight to your place of stay. Especially when you can drop all your luggages off!

My favorite booking websites for accommodations are:

  • VRBO: Offering a wide range of vacation rentals for a personalized experience.

  • A trusted platform with a huge selection of hotels, hostels, and more.

Norway Rental Car Booking - Everlastying Beginner's Guide to International Travel

book your transportation

After your pre-trip research, you likely have an idea of how you'll be getting around at your destination.

If you decide on renting a car, here’s one of my favorite sites to rent cars!:

  • Discover Cars: Our recommended car rental provider, where you can find the perfect vehicle for your journey.

TIP: If you decide to rent a car internationally, make sure to research if you need an international drivers license before you book your car!

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packing + essentials

When it comes to packing for an international trip, less is often more.

Here's my golden rule: keep it minimal.

Efficient Outfit Planning with NORTVI Carry-On Luggage - Everlastying Beginner's Guide to International Travel

efficient outfit planning

To save space and make the most of your wardrobe, create outfits that you can mix and match. Versatile clothing means fewer items to pack and less weight to carry.

Don’t be like me and make the mistake of packing the heaviest dress that took up half of my luggage space! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Remember, the lighter your luggage, the smoother your journey.

Carry-On Luggage Advantage at Norway Bodø Airport - Everlastying Beginner's Guide to International Travel

the carry-on advantage

Try to travel with just a carry-on suitcase and a personal item — which is commonly allowed by most airlines.

When you avoid checking-in your luggage, it not only saves you time, but also your belongings are within reach. Your valuables will be safe and you don’t have to worry about losing anything!

  • Minimal Packing Checklist: For a minimalist approach to packing, download my Minimal Packing Checklist. It's your handy guide to ensure you have everything you need without overpacking your luggage.

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learn + explore

craft your itinerary

An itinerary is like having a guideline for your adventures. It doesn't mean sticking rigidly to a schedule — instead, it's a tool to keep you on track and ensure you don't miss out on the must-see spots you've researched.

I used to be a "go with the flow" traveler, relying on local advice and spontaneity for adventures. While that can be fun, it often left me feeling scattered and missing out on hidden gems. That's where an itinerary comes in handy.

Think of it as your guide, not a strict schedule. It's there to help you navigate through the fantastic places you've discovered during your pre-trip research. But remember, travel is about flexibility too. If you decide to deviate from your itinerary and follow your instincts, go ahead! It's all part of the adventure.

Explore, learn, and make the most of your international journey.

Taipei - Chiang Kai-shek Memorial - Everlastying Beginner's Guide to International Travel

embrace the culture

Open yourself up to the beauty of cultural immersion. Whether you're going on a solo adventure, traveling with friends, family, or a partner, the essence of travel lies in the joy of discovery and the opportunity to immerse yourself in diverse cultures. And here's the secret: as you explore these cultures, you'll also understand yourself even more.

My own first solo trip to France was both daunting and exhilarating. Wandering through unfamiliar streets, I initially felt uncertain. But, when I wandered off into museums, chapels, and dined at local restaurants on my own, I realized how much I was learning.

Solo travel pushed me to become more independent and allowed me to truly embrace the essence of another culture. It was an eye-opening experience that I recommend everyone try at least once in their lifetime.

Stepping outside your comfort zone may make you feel vulnerable, but it's in those moments that you truly appreciate, learn, and savor the richness of your travel experiences.

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travel responsibly

Alishan - Crossing Bridge with Reusable Water Bottle and Backpack - Everlastying Beginner's Guide to International Travel

Traveling responsibly is our duty. By adopting eco-friendly practices and making conscious choices, we can have a positive impact on the destinations we visit. Here are some simple steps to travel responsibly:

  • Leave No Trace: Always clean up after yourself and don’t litter. Leave natural and cultural sites as you found them, preserving their beauty for future travelers. My tip is to bring a small bag so if you don’t see a trash can nearby, you can throw your trash in the bag and dispose it later when there’s a trash bin available.

  • Reusable Water Bottle: Carry a reusable water bottle to reduce plastic waste. Refill it whenever possible, and you'll not only save money but also help protect the environment.

  • Eco-Friendly Tote Bag: Pack a reusable tote bag in your luggage. It comes in handy for shopping at local markets or stores, reducing the need for plastic bags.

  • Respect Local Customs: Familiarize yourself with local customs and traditions. Respect cultural differences and engage with locals with an open mind and heart.

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Enjoy your next destination and safe travels!

I'd love to hear about your travel tips and experiences.

Share your insights and stories in the comments below, and let's inspire each other for future adventures.

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Check Out My Montreal Travel Vlog!

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Last Updated: 04.21.2024


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