【又見一炊煙】Fooding Smoke in Taichung

Among all the restaurants I've explored in Taichung, Fooding Smoke (又見一炊煙) stands out as one of my top must-visit restaurants in Taiwan. With its breathtaking panoramic views, stunning architecture, traditional zen-garden dining experience, and seasonal set menus with cool tea experience, this spot will always hold a special place in my heart. 🤍

In this blog post, I will explore the meaning behind the Chinese name 又見一炊煙, which even though their name is "Fooding Smoke" in English, means something even more incredible in Chinese. I will discuss making reservations, getting there, my first impressions, and sharing some tips along the way. Let's get started!


translating the Chinese name Fooding Smoke

Relaxing Outdoor Seating with Pond & Mountain Views at Fooding Smoke, Taiwan

Translating languages to English can be a bit difficult because sometimes the translations don’t match up and sound off when translated into English. The translation of 又見一炊煙 is particularly interesting.

While the name of the restaurant says "Fooding Smoke," the literal translation of 又見一 is "seeing again," and 炊煙 refers to the small smoke that comes out when cooking. So, combining that to make a full sentence [ 又見一 + 炊煙 ] means seeing the cooking smoke again.



Sunny and I Capturing Memories with a Selfie Inside Fooding Smoke

My friend Sunny was really organized, booking reservations a month in advance for the busy 228 Memorial Day. This is the time when people all over Taiwan hit the road, and restaurants get fully booked very quickly.

Normally, Fooding Smoke has a laid-back vibe. However, if it's around a holiday, it's best to be strategic. Choose your visit time wisely. If you're going before the holiday rush, make sure to secure a reservation – you wouldn't want to miss out on the packed goodness at Fooding Smoke..


getting there

To get to Fooding Smoke, the best way is by vehicle. You have a few options:

Traditional Firewood Area with Stacks of Wood at Fooding Smoke in Taichung

You can take the bus, but it involves multiple transfers and takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to get here.

If you have your international driver's license and have rented a car, this would be the best option. Just make sure to follow Taiwan's driving laws.

Taking a taxi is probably the easiest way to get around. You can use a rideshare app like Uber or catch a yellow cab.
When you're ready to head back, you can ask the staff at Fooding Smoke to call a yellow cab for you. Just make sure you have enough cash, as yellow cabs typically only accept cash in Taiwan.


first impression

Breathtaking Mountain Views from Fooding Smoke Restaurant in Taichung

When we walked towards Fooding Smoke, the environment was already impressive. We were greeted by a staff member outside and directed to enter through a stone underpass.

As we walked up the earthy green and stone stairs wrapped with leaves, I couldn’t help but notice how the restaurant was surrounded by nature. It created such a peaceful and unique atmosphere. Totally chill and one-of-a-kind kinda vibe.


no shoes policy

Fooding Smoke, Taichung Entrance: Unique Sign & "Shoes Off" Policy

Fooding Smoke has a no shoes policy, which adds to the unique experience.

There’s a shoe cubby on the right side of the entrance before you walk into the restaurant to place your shoes.


the dining area

Spacious Upstairs Dining Area at Fooding Smoke

Upstairs dining

Our reserved table was on the second floor, by walking up a spiral staircase.

The table was half the normal size and half the size chairs. We had a secluded area with windows facing the mountains, which was breathtaking.

Fooding Smoke, Taichung: Window Seating with Scenic Pond View

Downstairs dining

The first time I visited Fooding Smoke, we passed by the downstairs area to get seated upstairs. I told myself that I had to come back and dine downstairs to fully enjoy the dining experience - and I did!

The second time I visited Fooding Smoke, we dined downstairs by the window with a stunning view.


the food

The food was amazing with good portions that were surprisingly filling.

A favorite memory of mine was that they also had a vintage rice cooker that they used to cook right in front of us, with a fire lit underneath. After 30 minutes, when it was ready, we enjoyed our fried rice along with soup.

Happy tummy, happy life!


the dessert

Traditional Taiwanese Dessert at Fooding Smoke, a Michelin-Starred Restaurant

After your meal, tea and dessert will be prepared for you. You can choose to either sit inside the restaurant where you originally sat or sit outside and enjoy the stunning view.

The first time I dined at Fooding Smoke, I sat inside because all the outdoor tables were already taken.

However, the second time I visited with my partner and friends, we all wanted to try the traditional Taiwanese desserts and sit outside. Let me tell you, the experience was incredible! Not only were we enjoying delicious desserts and drinking crisp, clean Taiwanese tea, but we were also soaking in the stunning view of the surrounding mountains.


unique bathrooms

Restroom Entrance at Fooding Smoke with Slippers Provided  pen_spark

Since Fooding Smoke has a no-shoes policy inside. You can find traditional bathroom slippers outside the bathrooms for your use.

During my first visit, I was unaware of the available slippers and ended up walking in the bathroom with my socks on. 🥲

The bathroom designs are impressive, with two different options available. One is located outside the restaurant and offers a stunning view of the mountains (good luck!), but it requires squatting to use the toilet. Inside the restaurant, there are both squat toilets and regular toilets.


know before you go!

Fooding Smoke, Taichung: Unique Entrance with Trees, Sculpture & Stone Stairs  pen_spark

During holidays, before 2 PM to avoid the crowds. On normal days, aim for 11 AM to 12 PM for a quieter dining experience.

Vegan (全素) and vegetarian meal (蛋奶素) options are available upon request.


Group gatherings

Through Facebook (International)
Through MenuShop (Taiwan)

Indoor & outdoor options available




final thoughts

Family Fun and Food Adventures: Selfie Moment Outside Fooding Smoke

I've been to Fooding Smoke twice.

The first time, I went with my parents and Sunny, and our experience was absolutely incredible. Everything tasted amazing and being there felt wonderful.

The second time, I went with my friends and partner, and it felt like a dream. It was like revisiting an old but great memory while making room for new ones.

Have you been to Fooding Smoke before? What’s your experience like?


check out my Taichung vlog!

👆🏼 View my Fooding Smoke adventure at the time 1:28! 👆🏼



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Last Updated: 06.13.2024


Artesano in Manhattan


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